Monday, March 14, 2011

Day Zero

Day Zero

If you have the chance to be somewhere that you don't really belong, take it.

I've been lucky enough to have spent my entire life getting into one situation after another that I really had no business being in. The reward is always worth the risk, even if it only consists of having a good story at the end of the day.

This is a track called "Day Zero" that I wrote on Christmas Eve 2009. I get a lot of songwriting done around the holidays because (at least usually) I have a fair amount of vacation to "use or lose" by that time of year. It's a little uptempo meditation on new beginnings. It's a little old. I've had it posted on myspace for a while so probably if you already know me, you've heard it before. It seemed appropriate for a Monday morning, and apropos to some hot-mess I'm dealing with in my day job (for however much longer that lasts).

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